Welcome a New Year


A New Year has begun and with it all the promise of new beginnings. I pulled out my brand new journal, still fragrant with that inky smell, and with a new pen began to jot down upcoming events, client appointments and some of my hopes for the coming months. I could feel anxiety bubbling up as I thought about the challenge of juggling responsibilities. Face it – Life can be complicated.

But do you ever have something that drops into your lap and the timing for it has been just perfect? This morning I read an excerpt from a blog-post: a challenge to pick one word that could be my “Word for the Year.”  This is a word that could be an anchor when you feel tossed; a word that could provide focus and intent when you’re trying to make decisions.  You know, something that can give you that concretness when you’re feeling fuzzy.

Within a few minutes my mindset changed as I realized what would be my word for the year. Simplify.
S I M P L I F Y.

And with that, I will intentionally make this word my word. My word that will help me hone my intent and focus for 2017.

Do you have a word that you resonate with? OR a word that you’d LIKE to resonate with? Let’s talk.