What can you expect?
Create balance for your body, mind and emotions
Breathe Deeply
You were designed for Health. Improve your ability to breathe during "allergy season" and feel calm despite your circumstances.
Think Clearly
When your brain feels a-jumble with thoughts and you are challenged to turn off the negative tapes, discover fresh, unencumbered focus.
Live Joyfully
Bring your curiosity and sense of wonder as you discover your unique design: How body, mind and emotions all play a role in your overall health. Take joy in the journey!
Ongoing learning and discoveries
Joyful or Jumbled?
Lately I’ve been struggling with keeping my mind focussed. My brain has felt jumbled with many thoughts clamouring for attention and there’s nothing more distracting than having unrelated […]
Setting Intentions
In the world of health and wellness, much is said about Setting Intentions as a way to provide direction for goal-reaching. That “setting our mind to something” becomes a North […]
Look Up
There’s nothing like looking in a new direction to get a better perspective. Lately I’ve felt swamped with my “Things to Do” list and my niggling self expectations have me […]
Speaking Without Words
Lately I’ve been especially noticing babies and toddlers. It’s likely because I am new grandmother – and if there’s anything that reawakens a joy for life and sharpening one’s observation […]
A bit of physics for the non-physicist
The messages of identity and growth are inherent in every living thing. There’s no better example of this than what happens in Springtime when new shoots appear and what seemed […]
Another year
It’s my birthday! I am marking another year today – a year of growing, changing and learning. Whereas a number of my peers are looking forward to retirement, I am […]
Welcome to my energetic world!
My health pursuit has brought me into the world of Natural Bioenergetics™, a most amazing modality that recognizes the energetic intricacies of the human body. I never appreciated that […]
Breathe deeply. Think clearly. Live joyfully.
These are qualities that contribute to emotional balance and overall health. But accessing these things isn’t always easy because stress gets in the way.
Pause here to catch your breath
and then come, learn ways to let go of the various stresses that knock you off balance.
Experience more of who you were designed to be.